Register using the form below to reserve a spot for your child.
Let Your Kids Enjoy Their Own Game
Let Your Kids Enjoy Their Own Game
Let Your Kids Enjoy Their Own Game
Code The Classics
Yenetta Code is proud to bring you “Code The Classics” where children learn to code by creating their own games
Children get to create their own Retro inspired games by using the well known Scratch programming language.
Participants will undergo a 2 Month training to introduce them to the fundamentals of coding and familiarise them with Scratch and other tools that they will be using during the 2 days of hackathon by the end of the training.
In this hackathon participants will be divided into different teams and build their own ’80s inspired games – ranging from Mario to Astroid, each represents a different genre.
Our Goal
Retro Games
Steps to
Get Account Info
Your child account info will be sent to your email within 24 hours along with payment details and other useful information.
Start Learning
Login to your child’s account with the credentials sent to your email and get your child started with the Hour of Code.